Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, is the process by which we can improve the visibility of a website or webpage in ‘organic’ search results. In simple terms, the better your SEO the higher you will rank on search engines.

Statistics are the best way to explain how important SEO is, here are some of our favourites from 2022 (

  • 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine
  • 63% of all shopping begins online
  • 66% of people perform online research before making a purchase
  • 86% of people ignore the banner ads and click on the organic search results
  • Bounce rate increases by 9% if your website takes 2 seconds to load
  • Convesion falls by 4% for every second your website takes to load

Search engine optimisation definitely is important then – and something that is often overlooked when a new website launches. Sadly, you just can’t leave your website by itself when it does launch, it needs constant TLC to make sure you’re getting the most out of it, and reaches your potential customers.


of users never go past the first page of a search


ignore paid ads and go straight to organic results


of smartphone users perform a search once a day


of people who search for a business on their mobile, visit within 24 hours

Should you work on your SEO?

With stats like those above, you really need to consider your website’s search engine optimisation once your website is live. Yes, you can leave it to hopefully climb the rankings, but as with anything, you do need to invest some time and energy to improve your SEO, and give your website the best chance.

We have an excellent track record for our websites on search engines like Google and Bing.