So back in February we posted on our Facebook page some helpful tips to make sure your website designer gets it right! At this time of year we see loads of new websites popping up, in readiness for the new season in many cases. So what can you check before your website goes live to make sure you have the edge and a fab website?

  • Link up all telephone and email links, don’t just leave them as empty text! This means when using the website on a phone, a customer can just tap the phone number and call you, rather than having to copy it then dial.
  • Make sure there are no spelling mistakes, or grammar errors – if you’re running a business your content talks for you, so ooze professional at all times. This is also a great chance to make sure you show some of your personality too – make sure your website reflects the business well. Don’t go for corporate text if it doesn’t suit your business.
  • Is all of the text clear? Can you see text written over images or slideshows? 
  • Make sure it matches your brand!
  • Finally, does the website work? If it’s bilingual, is the right language displaying when and where it should? Do all of the links work and go to the right places?

We build our websites “off line”, providing each client with a unique login so they can see progress and check/test the website as we go along. We also pride ourselves in the smaller details, and just before we hit live, we’ll always read through text and look for spelling mistakes, missing links – dotting the I’s and crossing the T’s.