The end of the year is always a great time for de-cluttering the house, perhaps a deep clean over the Christmas period when the decorations come down, or simply just getting everything in order after a manic end of the year. It’s exactly the same in the business – if your November and December was anything like ours, manic in the constant “run up” to the Christmas period, then you may have found your usual organised self pushed to the background!

This isn’t just talking about general office space, although sorting through all of your admin paperwork before a new year will make the start feel much fresher. We always encourage businesses to do the same with their digital marketing. It’s so easy to get caught up in the run to the end of the year, that you might start throwing everything you have in all directions across your digital marketing, and it’s good to stop and reflect on this before embarking on a new year.

So what do we recommend you do?

  1. Google Analytics – if you’ve got a website, take some time to analyse the last year of data and essentially, give your website a good sort out. It’s easy to add and add to a website, ballooning the amount of pages and information – but it can make it harder for your visitors to navigate, and also have information that isn’t useful or relevant.
  2. Social media insights – you can do the same with social media, each platform has its own insights section so spend some time seeing what sort of posts worked for you as a business, was there a platform that you invested time in but didn’t deliver, is there one that with more work could potentially deliver much better… and so on!
  3. Rewrite your goals – this is something we do every year. It’s good to have some clear set goals on where you want to be, what you want to achieve in 3, 6 or 12 months. Over-arching goals are great, but make them more manageable with smaller goals that you can aim for on a monthly or quarterly basis.
  4. Re-plan your digital strategy – much like with your goals, it’s important to take another look at your digital strategy and change it where it needs. You don’t need to stick to a strategy you wrote a year or two years ago, it will evolve as your business evolves so it’s important to pay it the attention it deserves. When better than the start of a new year!

These are just some of the things we’ll be doing in the office before we reopen on the 7th of January 2019 – ready to hit the ground running for another great year in Aberystwyth.