Social Media is an amazing tool that can be used to reach anyone, creating meaningful connections with potential and present customers. However, there is a lot to social media, and some can find it overwhelming – but don’t panic, understanding social media needn’t be a momentous task and here, I will give you some quick-fire tips and tricks on how to make the most of social media for your business.

Be Consistent

Being consistent with your social media presence is vitally important not just for attracting a potential audience, but for keeping them.

Consistency doesn’t just relate to posting often either. Being consistent with your brand online is incredibly important, as straying from your brand or message can put you at a risk of losing your audience who have become loyal and interested in it to begin with. It also maintains the company image and message, and your followers should want to follow you because they love your posts and products. The two should always be in sync.

Engage With Your Audience

It seems obvious to say, “engage with your audience”, as it’s something we hear everywhere – but often that’s vague.

Engagement is important when it comes to growth, but that engagement goes both ways.

We all know that socialising is a hidden transaction, a deal between two people, social media is the same. If your followers leave a comment, respond. If they message you, say hello. Often with marketing you’re selling yourself as much as your brand, you are your brand – so make it approachable and people will interact and follow. The ability to reciprocate is everything in social media.

Post with Purpose

To succeed on social media, you can’t just post for the sake of it. Ensure you have a purpose. Before publishing any content on your social media platforms, ask yourself: “What is the purpose of this post?”

Every post you publish should have a purpose that will help you generate more business or build your brand. You could do this by adding value through education, sharing stories, telling people about why you started your business, getting feedback-

There are many ways to give your posts purpose, and they should all be relevant to your brand. Why not sit down and think about it before posting next?

Follow the Trends that Matter

We always hear the advice to “follow trends” but have you really sat and considered the trends that you choose to follow? Following every trend will rob you of that all important consistency that we discussed earlier, especially if it isn’t relevant to your brand. Be mindful of which trends you follow, and if you follow the RIGHT one, you may generate the engagement you want, and not simply vanity metrics that don’t convert into loyal followers.

Be Genuine

Never forget that you are as much a part of your brand as our content and products are. Being genuine and being yourself when it comes to social media is incredibly important – it’s about being social after all. Potential customers buy from people they like, but if they don’t know you personally, then how will they be able to make that decision? Let people get to know you personally – about your business, why it started, what you want to do, what you like, and don’t forget to be personable when you interact with people. A little please and thank you with genuine kindness can go a long way!

So, overall, social media is a great way of taking your brand to the next level if you use it right and, hopefully, considering some of the tips above will help you do just that.