I popped in on a client yesterday just outside of Aberystwyth to have a chat about some design concepts for their new website. As we got further into our chat, I asked the clanger…

“And will you be blogging?”

It’s almost like 5 words that instantly create fear, did I really ask that? Did I ask this particular person if they personally will be blogging? Do they need to blog? Should they blog? So many questions…!

So, blogging we know is important for a few reasons, here are my top five:

  1. SEO! Google likes to know that you have an active interest in your website – not by changing words every day or logging in to switch an image. It’s all about showing you’re invested in your website, creating useful and quality content for your visitors that’s relevant to what you offer.
  2. Linking nicely to SEO, not only does blogging show Google that you’re invested, but also shows your visitors. If you haven’t blogged for 2 or 3 years, what does that show? You’re too busy? Or have you lost your focus?
  3. Blogging is also a great way to offer advice to your visitors/clients (like this blog!) which in turn works well in creating strong brand relationships.
  4. Rather than being a static business online, blogging is a great way to get across your business personality, so flaunt it!
  5. Finally, blogging is also fantastic for showing your visitors/clients and potential clients that you actually know what you’re on about, especially when you blog on-topic to your business field.

I personally think that blogging is very important, but it doesn’t have to be something you do every week – it’s far better to be consistent than blog every day for a week and do nothing for months!

We’ll be writing a blog soon about some ideas on what you can blog about – which is always the question after, “do I need a blog”… check back soon!